JavaScript Menu, DHTML Menu Powered By Milonic
Example for Milonic Bolt-on Module keypress.js
for use with Milonic Solutions' DHTML Menu V5

The keypress.js Module allows navigation of the menu through the keyboard. It will not affect the normal use for any who do not need keyboard access. Use your tab key to test on this sample. Enter loads the linked pages.

There are no editing requirements, simply place the call for the module with the call for the rest of you menu files.

<script type="text/javascript" src="../../milonic_src.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if(ns4)_d.write("<scr"+"ipt type=text/javascript src=../../mmenuns4.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
 else _d.write("<scr"+"ipt type=text/javascript src=../../mmenudom.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
<script type="text/javascript" src="menu_data.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="keypress.js"></script>

Directory Paths. When loading the .js file, your would of course adjust the paths shown in the <script> tags above, to relect your own site's directory structure.

DHTML Menu courtesy of Milonic Solutions

Download the  keypress.js module
See all Milonic Bolt-on Modules