JavaScript Menu, DHTML Menu Powered By Milonic

Click the links to activate the module.
This demo activates the mmpagehighlighter.js module through the use of static html links. This would be useful to apply pagematching to a url that is not reach directly through a menu item. Notice the single quotes around 'item' listed i.e. 'history', 'about us', to distinguish the parameter in the function from the double quotes around the href= statement.


Changes the item under 'Information' containing the call for showmenu=history. It will change any item with the correct showmenu call at any level

mmItemActivateByText()     Changes the 'about us' item in the main menu


Changes item 3. Note: the fact that it looks like item 4 has changed is not an error. Item count begins with 0 [zero]. So, Milonic = item 0, About Us = item 1, Information = item 2, Test = item 3

DHTML Menu courtesy of Milonic Solutions